Apple Dictation is an easy way to populate emails, create notes or even control the functions of your Apple computer all with the power of speech!

To start Apple dictation, begin by selecting any sort of text input such as an email, Note Pad or word document.

Double tap the Fn (Function) Key on your Mac keyboard to activate dictation (Please be aware the first time you activate dictation it will need download and install some files).

You will see a small box appear in the lower-right corner of your screen which will indicate that Apple Dictate is listening (You’ll see a microphone icon with an input meter that will rise a fall as you speak).

Once the dictation has activated you need to speak clearly and concisely and when you have finished press the Fn key to deactivate the dictation (you can also say “Stop Dictation” to deactivate the dictation as well).

Dictation will learn the characteristics of your voice and adapt to your accent, so the more you use it the better it will understand you!

Apple dictation come with a list of useful voice commands that you can see if you say “Show Commands” while dictation is active.

Here are a few useful commands to know:

  • Caps on (formats next phrase in title case)
  • Caps off (resumes default letter case)
  • All caps (formats next word in ALL CAPS)
  • All caps on (proceeds in ALL CAPS)
  • All caps off (resumes default letter case)
  • New line (adds line break)
  • Numeral (formats next phrase as number)
  • Roman numeral (formats next phrase as Roman numeral)
  • New Paragraph (adds paragraph break)
  • No space on (formats next phrase without spaces)
  • No space off (resumes default spacing)
  • Tab key (advances cursor to the next tab stop)

If you enable Enhanced Dictation the following features are available to you when using Apple Dictate:

  • You can dictate continuously.
  • You can dictate without being connected to the internet.
  • Your words will convert to text quicker.
  • You can use dictation commands to tell your Mac what to do e.g. Opening & closing programs.

To enable Enhanced Dictation head to the Apple menu, select system preferences, click keyboard then select the Dictation option. Tick the Use Enhanced Dictation option and you’ll be read y to go!

If you have any queries on the use of Apple Dictate or need any help setting it up please contact our Technical Services team.

Technical Support/Repairs

Phone: 01223 436689
