We have arrangements in place for you to be provided with an insurance policy that includes the following required features, and that only has the following permitted exclusions:
Iansyst Limited is an Appointed Representative of Specialty Risks Limited (FRN: 771865) which is authorised & regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
Worldwide cover is provided as standard for 90 days in a 12 month period.
For a summary of the insurance, please click here. For full policy details, please click here. Alternatively, please contact us on 01353 881 066 so we can refer you to our insurance partner, Specialty Risks Limited.
If you received your equipment between 1st June and 31st July 2021 please click here for a copy of your policy terms and conditions and here for a summary of cover.
The insurance is provided by Specialty Risks Limited. You can find out more about their insurance service by going to www.specialty-risks.com/about-our-insurance-services/
Iansyst Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Specialty Risks Limited. Specialty Risks Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Firm reference number 771865.
If you were awarded your equipment before June 2019, please contact us for full policy details.
If your equipment was awarded from June 2019 onwards and you need to make a claim, please go to https://www.specialty-risks.com/dsa-claims/
If you were awarded your equipment before June 2019, please contact iansyst and we will ask you to complete an insurance claim form to outline the claim details. One this has been sent to the insurer, we will continue to chase the insurer for the completion of the repair(s) on a four weekly basis. Iansyst may continue to chase this three times to resolve the issues.
Theft and accidental damage insurance provided for all DSA (Disabled Students’ Allowance) systems; computers, software and peripherals. The length of insurance term can be the same as the computer warranty and the choice available for these can be for as long as 5 years where applicable, thereby providing the DSA student with full equipment cover for the length of their course.
The main reason for insuring all systems is to offer quicker and easier support, and to save time deciding responsibility, assessing damage, getting quotes and organising payment.
Also if students do not take out insurance and equipment is stolen, any replacement of the equipment would be at the students’ expense. At present, insurance and warranty premiums can be paid for by their DSA.
Advice to students: There are still some inevitable exclusions; such as leaving a computer visible in a car (even if locked).
Please note that the insurance covers sudden and unforeseen causes, not things that happen gradually as a result of rough handling. The manufacturer may claim that these are more than fair wear and tear so not covered by the warranty
Extended Warranties
We provide warranty extensions for our computers and most hardware products we sell which enables extended cover for up to 5 years after the purchase. Extended warranties and costs are shown on the product pages under the individual items and can be easily added to the quote.
Our warranty scheme can provide new for old replacements where appropriate. If you have problems with equipment under our warranty you should report it to our technical support team who will deal with the issue directly or contact the manufacturer on your behalf. We always do our best to make sure you have a working machine as soon as possible, but unfortunately we cannot make any guarantees about the time it will take to get your hardware repaired. However we endeavour to work within the guidelines laid down by the DSA-QAG Quality Assurance Framework (QAF)
Our warranties are insured and cover parts, labour and replacement if necessary. We will register warranties and insurance on behalf of the student for DSA orders. It is important that the student keeps all paperwork safe for the duration of its term.